safeMedicate has a unique competence model that has been developed and refined by over 25 years of translational research. The model underpins the design of each of our modules and assists users to better understand their strengths and where they need to improve.
Watch the video below to see how we measure competence in medication dosage calculation problem solving.
Presentation of authentic dosage calculation problems as they exist in the clinical setting.
Authentic visual representations of what learners will see and use in practice.
Step-by-step walk-throughs that illustrate expert dosage calculation problem solving techniques that support a range of learning styles.
Immersive exercises that encourage active learner engagement with authentic features of clinical dosage calculation problems.
A 3-phase model that sits at the heart of dosage calculation competence development and assessment.
Innovative techniques that support the systematic construction of competence in dosage calculation.
Diagnostic assessments that help you to understand your strengths and where you need to improve.
Assessment formats that test dosage calculation competence in a ‘real world’ context.
Evaluation of learner performance, measured against expert problem solving models that facilitates rapid diagnosis of competence and identification and correction of errors.
We’ve published an 8 paper series of articles as a virtual special issue of Nurse Education in Practice that traces the 20 year history of translational research that underpins the design, development and international evaluation of safeMedicate.
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